Getting started

How complicated is it to set up and start using Extellio?

It’s easy. You just need to implement a script on your website using a tag manager or directly. Just follow the instructions you'll get when you sign up. Once the Extellio script is implemented,  analytics will start automatically when you activate it. Heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys need some more configuration. Just follow the instructions within the app to get started. There you'll find survey templates with pre-written questions for most industries.

Can I use a Tag Manager to implement the script?
Yes, any Tag manager will work.


Why do I need surveys?

Surveys are essential to understanding how people experience your website. You’ll find out if they’re satisfied or struggling, and hear directly what they think. 

Learn why and how to use surveys to gain insights! 

Isn’t it just frustrated visitors who answer website surveys?
Not at all. For the most part, survey respondents are neutral. Although, if you’re having any technical or other problems with your website, there’s likely to be a higher share of negative feedback.
What’s the average response rate?
Response rates for surveys differ a lot depending on the brand, survey settings, and type of survey. For our general surveys, the response rate is around 3-15%. Embedded targeted surveys have a response rate of around 25-40%.
Won’t surveys be distracting to my website visitors?

You can make sure to exclude a survey from any pages that might distract your visitors. We provide a range of settings to make sure surveys won’t negatively impact your website visitors, like how often to show a survey and when to show it.

What types of surveys do you offer?

We have surveys in a variety of different designs and for a multitude of different purposes.

Learn about the range of surveys you can use with Extellio.

What survey languages do you support?

You can add a survey in any language but the disclaimers are limited to English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Finnish, out of the box

If you'd like to use disclaimers in another language, just let us know and we'll add them.

Can I pause a survey?

Yes, it’s easy to pause a survey on the Extellio platform. You don’t need to remove the script. You can also schedule start and end dates for all your surveys on Extellio. 

Can you help create my surveys?

Extellio comes with a variety of survey templates that cover most industries. If you need help creating unique surveys for specific purposes,  you can use our support service. We'll help you phrase your questions and fine-tune your survey settings.

Read more about our support services.

Are your surveys adapted for web accessibility?

Yes, Extellio’s surveys are designed according to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA. They are easy to answer with the tab key and can be closed with the ESC key.


Does Extellio’s website analytics track any personal data?
No, it doesn’t. Users’ IP numbers are anonymized. Learn more about Extellio privacy and compliance
How is Extellio's analytics different from Google Analytics?
Firstly, Extellio is 100% compliant with privacy laws. Secondly, it doesn’t sample data, it collects and shows all data. Google Analytics, on the other hand, collects a sample of your real data and will show you an average of that sampled data.
Is Extellio Analytics GDPR-compliant?
Yes it is.
Will Extellio use my analytics data in any way?

Unlike many other services or platforms, we will never use your analytics data to make money.

I already have website analytics. Can I still use Extellio?

Definitely. There are no issues with running two analytics software programs on a website. We have many clients that use both Extellio and other analytics in parallel.

Can I use Extellio without implementing the analytics feature?
Yes, you can use Extellio for just the surveys if you’d like. You’ll be missing out on some great insights, but there is still a lot you can do with only survey data.

Licensing plans & pricing

Do I need a credit card to sign up for Extellio’s Free licensing plan?
No, you don’t need a credit card.
Can I pay for Extellio on a monthly basis?
Yes, you can, but paying yearly will save you money.
Can I upgrade my Extellio license plan later?
Yes, you can upgrade your plan at any time.
A license covers one website. How do you define a website?

A website includes all country-code/language TLDs or paths for a given domain name. It doesn't include subdomains

Can I have several websites in one account?

Yes, you can, but most clients don't need it. All country/language versions of a website are included in one license, even if they're on separate TLDs. It's only for unique domain names that you need to add more websites.

Premium & add-on services

Can I get help to analyse my data?

Yes! Either you have an agency that partners with Extellio and in that case, they'll help you, or we can offer you a couple of options. Analysis support is included in our support package and in addition, we offer different analysis reports.

Read more about support and analysis add-ons.

Will I get any help to get started?

There are a lot of guides and help online. If you want personal help, we offer a personal onboarding service that will get you started with all your products.

Read more about personal onboarding

Platform & features

The Extellio platform seems like it can do a lot. Is it very complicated?
No, it’s easy to use. Many comments from clients have referred to it as “very intuitive” and ”so much easier to use than Google Analytics.” There are a lot of advanced features for a super user, but they don’t stand in the way of the intuitive interface. We also have plenty of guides on the platform, both video files and PDFs.
Is there a limit to how many users we can have on Extellio?
No, you can add as many users as you want to Extellio.
How do I share the data with the rest of my organization?
On the Extellio platform, you’ll find an automated reports feature, which is a perfect way to share results with your colleagues. The reports are sent out as PDFs and recipients don’t need a login. Also, all graphs are available for download as PNG images, and all free-text comments as an Excel file.

GDPR & personal data

The Extellio platform seems like it can do a lot. Is it complicated?
No, it’s easy to use. Many comments from clients have referred to it as “very intuitive” and ”so much easier to use than Google Analytics.” There are a lot of advanced features for a super user, but they don’t stand in the way of the intuitive interface. We also have plenty of guides on the platform, both video files and PDFs.
Does Extellio collect personal data from respondents?

In general, all your visitors remain anonymous in all Extellio products and no personal data is handeled.

However, it does happen that respondents leave personal data in survey free-text answers and, in such a case, we exchange it for generic labels like ”NAME” or “PHONE NUMBER”.

In certain instances, the respondent can ask to be contacted by the client or Extellio. In such a case, their personal data is stored with their consent in order to carry out the request. For more information, see our how we handle of respondents personal data.

How does Extellio handle personal data?
We handle all personal data according to GDPR. See Extellio's Privacy policy for more information.
Who is responsible for respondents' personal data?

Normally the client and Extellio International AB enter into a PDA agreement whereby the client is the data controller and Extellio is the data processor. In such a case, the respondents' data are handled according to the customer's privacy policy.

Sometimes Extellio is the personal data controller for data collected from respondents. In that case, the data is collected and handled according to Extellio's Privacy policy.

Who has access to respondents’ personal data?
In a case where the client is the personal data controller, both the client and Extellio (as the personal data processor) can access the data.

In a case where Extellio is the personal data controller, the client cannot access respondents' personal data.

Data management & security

How does Extellio connect to my website?
The platform uses a script that you implement on your website. Once there, it lets you control all Extellio features from our online platform.
How does Extellio store and manage data?
We store all data on servers in Sweden. For more information see our data management overview.
Can we host the script ourselves?
Yes, you can. However, you will lose the possibility to control the script directly from the Extellio platform, meaning that you’ll have to exchange the script on your website when you want to change the settings of your surveys, like the triggers or the design.
What security measures are in place?
Please see our data management overview.
How do I access Extellio's API?
Contact us for the API keys.